
Sqlite database example
Sqlite database example

sqlite database example
  1. #Sqlite database example how to#
  2. #Sqlite database example android#

#Sqlite database example android#

Now here is the whole code for Create SQLite Database-Tables in Android Studio Eclipse example tutorial.Ĭode for MainActivity.java file.

#Sqlite database example how to#

Here in above query demoTable is the name of table and id is the first column of table which is automatically set as auto increment with primary key, name, phone_number, subject are also columns of this table which we have declared with VARCHAR datatype.Īlso read : How to get and Insert data in SQLite database in android using EditText. It shows how to load, add, edit, delete and refresh rows in android ListView while saving.

sqlite database example

To create Table inside SQLite database use below query : SQLITEDATABASE.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demoTable(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR, phone_number VARCHAR, subject VARCHAR) ") This article contains examples of how to operate SQLite database table data via android ListView control. Now our database has been successfully created Now its time to move on the second phase in which we are going to create Table inside our SQLite database. If you don’t have zip software installed, you can download. The sample database file is ZIP format, therefore, you need to extract it to a folder, for example, C:\sqlite\db. How to connect to SQLite sample database. You can declare any name here according to your project requirement. Download SQLite sample database diagram with color. Here in above query DemoDataBaseis the name of SQLite database. To create SQLite database use below query : SQLITEDATABASE = openOrCreateDatabase("DemoDataBase", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null) When using :memory:, each connection creates its own database. When the connection is closed, the database is deleted. Use the special data source filename :memory: to create an in-memory database. Following is the content of the modified MainActivity.java. To experiment with this example, you need to run this on an actual device on which camera is supported. It creates a basic contacts applications that allows insertion, deletion and modification of contacts. database command which will display all the attached. sqlite3 sqlite> attach database 'company1.db' as c1 sqlite> attach database 'company2.db' as c2 Execute. From the sqlite prompt, attach both these database by giving alias as c1 and c2 as shown below. Package needs to import to create SQLite database in android : ĭeclare SQLite database name after import package : SQLiteDatabase SQLITEDATABASE SQLite in-memory databases are databases stored entirely in memory, not on disk. Example Here is an example demonstrating the use of SQLite Database. In this example, we have two company database (company1.db and company2.db).

Sqlite database example